
Our students are extraordinary. They rise above everyday challenges to explore, learn and grow. Learn About Applying

Get To Know MSMU

Mount Saint Mary’s University is the only women’s university in Los Angeles and one of the most diverse in the nation.
$26,000 Average Student Aid The Mount's goal is to provide financial assistance to all students. Our goal is to help students leave The Mount with a manageable amount of debt.
#2 Student Social Mobility The US News and World Report recognizes The Mount for supporting students from households with family incomes of less than $50,000 a year.
#3 Most Transformative Colleges Money Magazine ranked The Mount as a top universitiy that significantly changes the life trajectory and earnings for students who graduate.
59% Attend a Graduate Program Money Magazine ranked The Mount as a top universitiy that significantly changes the life trajectory and earnings for students who graduate.
Meet the Mount
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Mount Saint Mary's awarded me the full-tuition Le Puy Founders Scholarship.

Now I can attend college without worrying about loans while I pursue my passion in science. Tanya Nguyen '20 Nursing Major Find Your Program

We Celebrate Diversity

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Image for Victoria's Victory Student Spotlight

Victoria's Victory

Victoria Carranza left the Mount 10 years ago, but the Weekend/Evening & Online program welcomed her back to get her degree
Image for Victoria's Victory Student Spotlight

Victoria's Victory

Victoria Carranza left the Mount 10 years ago, but the Weekend/Evening & Online program welcomed her back to get her degree
Image for CNSA T-shirt Fundraiser March 17, 2022

CNSA T-shirt Fundraiser

Victoria Carranza left the Mount 10 years ago, but the Weekend/Evening & Online program welcomed her back to get her degree
Image for Victoria's Victory November 11, 2022

Victoria's Victory

Victoria Carranza left the Mount 10 years ago, but the Weekend/Evening & Online program welcomed her back to get her degree

Take A Virtual Tour

Our campus locations in Los Angeles provide an ideal setting to meet other students and connect with all The Mount's offerings. Plan a Visit
image for Explore Chalon Campus
Explore Chalon Campus Located in West LA, our campus nestled in the Santa Monica mountains serves undergraduate students with an active residence life community.
image for Explore Doheny Campus
Explore Doheny Campus Our Downtown LA campus houses our graduate programs. Weekend and evening programs also meet at Doheny.