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Accounting has long been one of Stonehill’s most popular majors and one that attracts many of the Northeast’s best students.
Department: Business Administration -
The Certificate in Advanced Manufacturing & Integrated Photonics Program is a partnership initiative designed to equip participants with the skills and experience needed to thrive in this burgeoning market.
Department: Partnership Program -
The American Studies major symbolizes Stonehill’s commitment to interdisciplinary programs that foster deeper learning by examining topics from multiple perspectives. American Studies is an interdisciplinary endeavor to better understand the American nation, its cultures and the diverse histories of its peoples and communities. This broad approach helps students develop skills in critical inquiry, communication, cultural knowledge and self-reflection that in turn engender a desire to advance social justice.
The anthropology program at Stonehill focuses on the holistic study and understanding of other cultures from an insider’s point of view and explores the diverse ways in which human beings perceive and order the social world.
Department: Sociology & Criminology -
The Arabic Minor at Stonehill introduces students to the Modern Standard Arabic language as well as integrates aspects of Arabic history, culture, and contemporary events and issues. Minor can be combined with any number of majors, giving students a competitive advantage and unique set of skills. Minors are encouraged to study abroad, expanding their global knowledge and leadership. The study of languages, literatures and cultures is a cornerstone of the liberal arts education
Department: Languages, Literatures & Cultures -
Department: Interdisciplinary
Stonehill’s biochemistry program draws on the disciplines of biology and chemistry. It combines technical training and the liberal arts, resulting in superb scientists who are also well-rounded lifelong learners.
Department: Chemistry -
The Stonehill Biology Program prepares students for life sciences graduate programs and professional programs in medical, allied health and environmental fields. It also prepares graduates for direct entry into the workforce.
Department: Biology